The cooking demo at the newly opened Sunway Velocity saw the launch of AEON's premium supermarket stores called AEON MaxValu Prime. I had the opportunity to showcase Barilla products on Christmas Eve. It wasn't the usual independent booth at the general public area. This time it was in the supermarket floor itself at the cooking station by the vegetable and fresh fish aisle. Nevertheless, with microphone in hand, we wooed the shoppers to come sample the recipes. This time with 3 new ones featuring mostly the Barilla Pesti Genovese.
The first recipe called for using the pesto as is, straight from the bottle as a spread on warm bruschetta topped with a tomato salsa, smoked salmon, garnished with pearl onions and dill. The pesto is delicious and thus we created a version of the Barilla recipe for my cafe, Little White Cafe in Bandar Baru Bangi... simpler, yet as delicious as a savory starter for the Romantic Dinner Package for Two, fine dining dinner package.
Here's our version of the savory hors d'oervre...