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Cooking Demo: Ben's Independent Grocer

It was a great opportunity to showcase a number 1 product from the US, Organic Valley dairy products. It was familiar to me as I had always loved the milk and butter whenever I visited my son. When Fatric Sdn Bhd called me with the opportunity to demo and share my recipes, I was pleased and excited to be able to get samples to try at home. As I was limited only to milk, butter and heavy whipping cream, my mind raced through all the recipes I knew and it came down to the three favorites we serve at our Little White Cafe.

What would showcase milk at its best, without drinking it on its own or making a milkshake or other drink from it, I thought. Of course, for me, milk is always best ice cold as it is, especially if it were on the rocks. Then I thought, Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce!

The custard I made for soaking the bread in was half milk and half heavy cream. 500 ml of each actually, to make a rich custard for the bread to soak in and with bites of sweet raisins added in between. Even more so, was the Vanilla Sauce, 2 recipes of it, of which I substituted heavy cream for one of the recipes, combining both together to make enough sauce for the entire casserole of bread pudding, drowning each serving with a generous portion.

After putting in the Bread Pudding in the oven, I had plenty of time to make the Vanilla Sauce and then start making the Scones.

I just couldn't resist also making a similar, but yet different kind of "scone" or bread/cake as they define it.. American Biscuits. An unknown here in Malaysia. I just felt that people just needed to taste the typical American Biscuit and see or taste not only how delicious and rich it was compared to the Scone, but also how versatile this humble bread with the not so glamorous name actually is.

And so, I showcased both the Scones and the American Biscuits... with the difference in the portions of butter, sugar and the use of buttermilk in the biscuits instead of milk as in the scones. Again, another use for milk... homemade buttermilk.

Along with the oohs and aahs of the customers comparing the scones and biscuits, I am happy to report that, like for me, biscuits came out the favorite. But blame me for making everyone bias because I proceeded to use the biscuits as a base for my Eggs Benedict.

The scones, being a basic component of the Afternoon Tea or Devonshire Tea cannot be left out from the array of other teatime treats on the serving tier along with a pot of Earl Grey or Darjeeling. Arranged alongside, the carrot cake, brownies, finger sandwiches and the sweet french confection called the macaron, a tea would not be a tea without the scones served best with homemade clotted cream and strawberry jam. The scones will always be an item associated with refined tastes and elegant social evening interactions.

But, biscuits... are truly the ultimate comfort food. Forget refinement and elegance. It makes good eats with just about anything that is sweet or savory. It is a meal in itself and can take the place of bread, rice or potatoes in a meal. And that's how I showcased it.. by it being the base for a typical protein, a perfectly poached egg drizzled with made-from-scratch hollandaise sauce topped with a cherry tomato and garnished with a sprig of dill.

I enjoyed the show, the psychology of the arrangement of recipes, the educating of tastes and the joy of letting people know that cooking from scratch just takes a little love, passion for the good things in life and some personal effort.

Thank you Rechelle and Jacky for the opportunity.

~ Aunty Faizah
10th September 2017


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