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Showing posts from September, 2017

Cooking Demo: Ben's Independent Grocer

It was a great opportunity to showcase a number 1 product from the US, Organic Valley dairy products. It was familiar to me as I had always loved the milk and butter whenever I visited my son. When Fatric Sdn Bhd called me with the opportunity to demo and share my recipes, I was pleased and excited to be able to get samples to try at home. As I was limited only to milk, butter and heavy whipping cream, my mind raced through all the recipes I knew and it came down to the three favorites we serve at our Little White Cafe. What would showcase milk at its best, without drinking it on its own or making a milkshake or other drink from it, I thought. Of course, for me, milk is always best ice cold as it is, especially if it were on the rocks. Then I thought, Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce! The custard I made for soaking the bread in was half milk and half heavy cream. 500 ml of each actually, to make a rich custard for the bread to soak in and with bites of sweet raisins added i

Introducing Organic Valley Products: American Biscuits

Last but not least, I plan to share the recipe for American Biscuits. I got the recipe from the Neely's, of Food Network when they did the show on the Peach Cobbler. It seems that the pastry was actually the recipe for a biscuit dough.  I have been using this recipe since then, with slight modifications of course, so that it is firmer and can be cut with a cookie cutter. The Peach Cobbler with the biscuit dough is sinfully delicious I must say. Oh, don't forget to use buttermilk instead of milk.. the one we made at the beginning of the demo before making the Bread Pudding. Here's the recipe for American Biscuits: And how do I serve this? I really love it the way it is, especially when it is fresh from the oven. I eat it like I do with scones. I do think that the Americans really know how to enjoy their food and the American Biscuit beats scones any day. Don't tell anyone I said that. Shhhh. For the demo, however, if I still have time, I shall poach some eggs a

Introducing Organic Valley Products: Recipe for Butter Scones

The next recipe I would love to share using these wonderful products is the recipe for Butter Scones. I requested some heavy cream and they gave me Heavy Whipping Cream. Nevertheless, I am going to try making some clotted cream from scratch. This will have to be done the day before and if it turns out well, I shall have some "English" clotted cream to go with my scones. Other than that, on the day itself, depending on the condition of the sample heavy whipping cream product, I shall demo how to whip up some whipped cream as well. Put all of that together with the scones... butter, clotted cream, whipped cream and some really good strawberry jam, I think we got a tea party going on here. I'll let you know how the clotted cream came out in the coming posts. ~ Aunty Faizah

Introducing Organic Valley Products: Recipe for Bread Pudding and Vanilla Sauce.

I couldn't be more excited to be able to use the products from Organic Valley. Ever since, I visited my sons living in the US, I have always loved the taste of their milk and butter. I was asked to come up with two recipes, that I would demo on a Sunday, from 12 noon to 3pm. Well, I kinda got excited and overboard and decided to share three recipes, or I should say four, no five. I just wanted everyone to taste not just the products but how easy it would be to make all of these... I think I'll start the demo by making the Buttermilk using the milk and lemon, putting it aside for when it is time to make the American Biscuits. Then, I'll start with the first (or should we say second) recipe. Bread Pudding. Here's the recipe for Bread Pudding... And don't forget the Vanilla Sauce... definitely the vanilla sauce. Once I preheat the oven to put in the bread pudding, I'll make the vanilla sauce... And when that is done, the oven would have been

Spicy Chicken Soup with Chinese Vermicelli

After a long hot, humid day, I just wanted to have a simple meal without the hassle of taking a long time to prep and cook. In a country where rain is unpredictable and the humidity grabs you, making you feel tired by the end of the day, a simple meal that does not take a lot of time to prepare is just the perfect solution to provide the necessary nutrition whilst fulfilling the taste buds. The Soup: I sauteed garlic and carrots first, slow heat and closing the lid of a deep dish saucepan so that the carrots would soften and have a slight caramelized flavor before adding the already marinated chicken. The chicken was marinated with chilli paste, oyster sauce and lots of white pepper before putting it in the saucepan to sear on high heat. Meantime, I switched on my electric kettle to boil water. Once the chicken was nicely seared and almost cooked, I put in the sliced celery, rock salt and freshly ground black pepper and closed the lid again, slowed down the heat, for the flavors