Creating a Ramadhan Buffet for a Healthy Lifestyle

Every Ramadhan I am concerned about the wastage of food.  During my "nine-to-five" working days, we would treat ourselves to at least a meal from the available Ramadhan Buffets during the fasting month.  Regardless whether the buffet was held at a 5-star hotel or a local restaurant, I noticed the amount of food that people would pile up onto their plates prior to the "Azan Maghrib" for the breaking of fast. What would be worse than the amount of food piled onto those plates is the amount of good that would go uneaten.

The "last straw" for me regarding this selfish, gluttonous habit was at a local restaurant when I saw how much everyone was piling, not only onto plates, but also piling dishes onto tables prior to breaking fast. It came to a point that all the food was on individual tables rather than in the buffet. Those who had also made reservations but came in a few minutes prior to the Azan, went to the buffet and there was no food left! Just leftover gravy with some bits of meat. The restaurant owner was frantically trying to replenish with last minute cooking from the kitchen.

As the restaurant was a small, local restaurant, walking distance nearby, I made it a regular place for my husband and I to break fast. I noticed that the problem was never going to be solved.  The next few days the restaurant cooks a larger quantity of food for the buffet to make up for the so called lack. Every time customers would pile on more food onto their tables. More food in the buffet, more food gets onto the table,... more food goes uneaten.  After a while the restaurant just gave up and it was any man's game. I had to stop going there as by the time it was near to the Azan, there was nothing left. The restaurant lasted for another year and then closed.

When I started the Ramadhan Buffet at Little White Cafe, I was having non of the wastage and non of the nonsense of people piling up food that they were not going to eat. I wanted to ensure that my customers would get to eat and taste everything, as well as ensure a more refined dining experience where they would be satisfied and happy.

The Breaking of Fast

Keeping in line with the common practice of breaking fast with something sweet, I created two parts to the Ramadhan Buffet; the first part would be the breaking of fast.  Here, I laid out my desserts and teatime treats along with the traditional "kurma" or dates. I would have at least 2 kinds of cakes and 1 dessert, e.g. my mini pavlovas, chocolate or strawberry mousse or anything special that I could make for the day. There would also be my signature scones available on a daily basis, as well as the bread pudding with vanilla sauce. Pastries would change from brownies to apple pie depending on availability of ingredients and my mood. There would also be a local dessert, available only for Ramadhan; bubur cha cha, bubur pulut hitam or any other traditional porridge-like dessert. Other daily offerings would be the sweet and savory canapes and a soup of the day and bread rolls for those who would like to break fast with something a little more "substantial".

My strategy to avoid wastage, yet allowing customers to help themselves freely to the selections for breaking of fast, I put a sign which says, "A RM10 charge for every 100gm of food not eaten." was placed on top of a weighing scale by the buffet line. That, as well as opening and inviting the guests to help themselves 5 minutes before the Azan did much to ensure that everyone enjoyed the desserts tremendously according to their own capacity and taste buds. Staff would serve the initial drink choice to customers seated prior to the opening of the breaking of fast buffet. They would also be going round picking up empty plates and replenishing drinks. We also invited guests to perform their prayers at the adjacent hotel "surau" at their convenience whilst the breaking fast buffet was taking place, letting them know that the Main Buffet shall only be open a bit later.

The Main Buffet

For this buffet, due to the many different palates of individuals, we made sure we put out at least four different proteins each day, coming up with recipes from the ala carte menu or creating new, exciting ones. Besides choosing the seared lamb leg or the grilled lemon chicken, customers can enjoy rice,... butter rice exactly or the many ways to cook potatoes on the side. There is also a pasta dish, a vegetable side dish and of course salad with our homemade balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Upon opening the buffet, staff will serve the customers their desired portions as they pick up their plates, and we will suggest protein-carb combinations and describe the dishes so that customers eat well and are familiar with their food choices.

Getting Dressed Up for Dinner

I believe the old fashion "getting dressed up for dinner" is important to creating a meaningful dining experience. Sitting down properly at the table, with the appropriate cutlery and eating healthy portions are all part of living a healthy lifestyle. After all we are human beings, and at all time should behave in a civilized manner, especially when we are confronted with an array of food and delicacies for our enjoyment. By all means enjoy the food; really, really taste it, savor the flavors and the exciting combinations when they are put together in your palate. This can only be done with intentional awareness and an atmosphere of order, not chaos and gluttony.

Of course, dessert is always a welcome option... We have the available ice-cream, beverage or you may even visit the dessert buffet once again...

Aunty Faizah with the Ramadhan Buffet spread at Little White Cafe.  All dishes are prepared and cooked at the cafe by family and staff under the supervision of Aunty Faizah and Bear.
#littlewhitecafebangi #bearinthekitchen #auntyisbaking #auntyfaizah
