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A Good Pie Recipe Goes a Long Way

It is good sharing old favourites with our young ones. I got the opportunity to do this when I held a "Baking Class" during this December holidays. My favourite apple pie recipe has been with me for a long time; since my university days when my American friend, Sue, gave me the recipe when I was 20 and eager to cook something that tasted good and comforting so far away from home. The apple pie is a great comfort food and I understand why Nigella, on the Asian Food Channel focusses so much on these types of food. They make a great getaway alibi in times of stress and they also become a reason for the gatherings of family and good friends.

The two most important things about pies are the crust and the filling. I use the same crust for all my pies; be it fruit pies or savory pies. A good crust is firm enough to hold the filling, but soft enough to melt in your mouth along with the sweet or savory filling... kinda like some people need to eat rice with some sort of gravy.

Next, is the filling. I love fruit pies, though here in Malaysia, and with the advent of cans and freezing, you can get fruits from all the countries of the world in a can or packet. The only thing is to find a combination of fruit or fruits along with the right spices, sweets and mixed it up into the correct consistency that is not soggy and watery.

Here are a few variations of the apple pie; all homemade looking and delicious.

A pie with a lattice top...

Individual serving with a crumble top...

Or without a pie pan even, with the pastry folded over.

The recipe is right here in the blog under the label "Recipes" - Apple Pie

I hope you enjoy the goodness I get out of this pie; in terms of taste, comfort, sharing good times with friends, the spreading of joy and closeness for those who make this pie for special occasions and gatherings.


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