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Showing posts from July, 2016

Classic Apple Pie

There are a few versions of this apple pie recipe. At the cafe, I have upgraded it by adding a crumble sprinkled on top before covering it with a pie crust lattice. For this recipe, I am going classic and keep true (almost) to the original recipe taught to me by my American friend, Sue when I was studying in Arkansas. For the Taste New Zealand promotion, I am using the ENZA Jazz apples. This time I use only brown sugar for that classic aromatic sweetness, yet not sugary taste. The apples are firm and crunchy and provides its own sweetness already. I love using course brown sugar for the recipe as well as sprinkling it on top after I have egg washed the pie to give it a sparkly, delicious look. Time to eat... If you really want to indulge, serve it with good vanilla ice cream like New Zealand's "Kapiti"  Try the recipe here...

Lemon Butter Fish

It is not often that I get to cook fish, due to a busy lifestyle and being particular about quality and freshness.  I discovered that buying good quality frozen fish does not compromise on freshness besides cutting down time for preparation, making it easy for me prepare a healthy meal quickly. It is easy to buy cut and prepped meat and chicken from the grocery store, but usually seafood is less than fresh as it sits in a shrink wrapped package on ice or in a chiller. To maintain freshness with seafood, it is better to get it frozen. The good thing about any kind of seafood is that it does not take a long time to thaw as in meat and chicken.  If I can buy fresh seafood from the market, I immediately clean it, cut it and portion them ready for cooking and freeze it. When I need it, I only need to take it out of the freezer and immerse the entire package in tap water whilst I prepare my other ingredients. By the time it is all done and I am ready for cooking, the seafood just req

Smoothies, Milkshakes & Slushies

With the Taste New Zealand promo at our Little White Cafe, I had the opportunity to purchase a variety of products at its participating grocers; Village Grocers and B.I.G. Supermarkets.  With a list of products in hand, I just could not resist creating only one recipe for beverages and ended up making three instead using a number of delicious products I bought from Village Grocers in Bangsar... First of all, let's define the difference between the beverages; smoothies, milkshakes and slushies. My favorites are slushies as they do are refreshing cold beverages without milk. A smoothie is basically a thick, smooth drink made from milk and yogurt or ice cream with fruit all blended together. For my Pina Colada Smoothie, I used New Zealand's Meadow Fresh UHT Milk, Easiyo Pineapple & Coconut Bite Yogurt, and Tip Top Vanilla flavored Ice Cream. I topped it with sweet dessicated coconut shavings for that extra rich coconut taste. A milkshake on the other hand is a b