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Showing posts from May, 2016

Protein and Fiber... Go Together

We all love a good protein.  It used to be that we would pair a protein with some form of carbohydrate as a complete meal.  Unless we required our body to perform some kind of prolong hard, physical labor, the protein-carbohydrate combination should no longer be applied, if we want to take care of our health. We grew up having been taught that a good meal would be having our "meat and potatoes".  When I hit my forties, I found out it didn't help my metabolism and my weight gain was not easily contained. Nowadays, it is a combination of "protein and fiber" which I go for in my cooking.  One thing for sure is that fiber helps to digest the protein and makes the meat easier to digest and break down easily enabling the body to metabolize the food better, along with drinking plenty of water of course. I limit myself to the carbohydrates nowadays now that I am in my fifties.  In Asian countries, rice is always the main portion of a plate.  The reason for this is t