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Showing posts from 2014

Opening the Little White Cafe

As a self professed Lifestyle Designer, I had always felt that I wanted to share what I think is a beautiful lifestyle. Here is my take on what it is to live beautifully by showcasing a lifestyle which strives to fulfill the different aspects of life; a knowledgeable and open mind, a healthy physical body and a soul which is free and close to nature. Part of my journey in striving to live a beautiful lifestyle is the enjoyment of good food. For that, I decided that I would like to have a small cafe of my own, where I could share the foods which I like and hope that the style of cooking and food preparation would somehow enhance my life as well as other people's. The concept of this cafe... made from scratch, homemade goodness, using natural, quality ingredients, and making cooking simple and basic. In short, being able to enjoy the good stuff, as natural as can be, satisfying once in a while cravings, keeping in mind the importance of nutrition, health and cleanliness. The Litt