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Showing posts from March, 2007


It is so difficult to find a good breakfast here. I mean, a wholesome protein packed breakfast... Of course there are eggs in the morning... provided I make my own breakfast... that is. I really prefer to make my own breakfast... on the weekends or holidays. But as with most people, during work days, I can't seem to find anything good to eat which I would consider healthy. I enjoy a good breakfast in the morning. Protein packed to give me the energy for the rest of the day, skipping lunch and then have an early dinner. This way, I control my weight and keep fit. Most people in Malaysia have a carbohidrate filled breakfast, a heavy rice lunch, later an evening snack of kuih (more carbohidrates) and a late dinner (around 9 to 10 pm). No wonder, many people are overweight with high blood pressure and diabetes being the most common ailment. Let me explain what I mean... I prefer the "western" version of breakfast, where you eat mostly protein; eggs, turkey or chicken ha